Thursday, 12 April 2012


Ramses II Colossi, Abu Simbel, Egypt
Temple of Hathor, Queen Nefertari's Temple, Abu Simbel, Egypt
 Temple of Hathor, Queen Nefertari's Temple, Abu Simbel, Egypt 
 Ramses II Colossi, Abu Simbel, Egypt
Temple of Ramses III, Karnak, Luxor, Egypt

Karnak, Luxor, Egypt

Great Hypostyle Hall, Karnak, Luxor, Egypt

Karnak, Luxor, Egypt

Karnak, Luxor, Egypt
Karnak, Luxor, Egypt

Entrance, Luxor Temple, Egypt

Columns and figure, Luxor Temple, Egypt
Temple of Hathor, Dendara, Egypt

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